Last updated March 2025.
I live in Los Angeles.
I believe in kindness, respect, and in making the world a better place. I am especially saddened by anti-immigrant, misogynist, and anti-LGBT hostility.
I have five children, and all of them are in school. The oldest is getting dangerously close to leaving for college. They are good kids, and so are their friends; the future is bright.
I’m trying to learn Japanese because I think languages are fun. It adds another dimension to all the anime that my teenagers introduce me to.
I lift weights for exercise. It is important to take care of yourself, and this is the method that clicks with me. The gym I go to uses kilogram plates, which I find satisfying.
I work at Google, building tools to help advertisers understand where their money is going. I mostly commute by bus and bike (a Brompton foldable).
I grew up in Idaho and, very stereotypically, lived just a barbed-wire fence away from a potato field. My father was an accountant, but his uncles were co-founders of Ore-Ida and invented the Tater Tot.
I have resumed reading The Wheel of Time after a few years’ hiatus. I’m on Book 12.
I enjoy taking photos, although I am definitely an amateur. I use a Sony APS-C camera.
I journal in Day One and find it very valuable, both to help with my current thoughts and for future reference. My streak is currently at over 1000 days, although I’m not strict and will backdate entries if necessary.
I’m a big baseball fan and looking forward to seeing the Dodgers play. I’m planning to see 10 games this year.
I love to travel, although it is not easy with my family’s busy schedules. Last year we went to Dallas to see the eclipse, and to France. This year we are planning a Big Sur road trip.
I also enjoy electric cars, DIY home projects, musicals, jazz, aviation safety, doing my taxes, Disneyland, movies, Zelda, and calendars.
And of course, I enjoy using computers to solve problems, which of all my hobbies is what I’m most confident of, and so what I end up writing about publicly.