Nathan Grigg

Save toner with BBEdit menu scripts

I recently learned about BBEdit’s menu scripts, which allow you to run an AppleScript before or after you do anything that uses one of BBEdit’s menus.

I write a lot of things in Latex using BBEdit, and many of these need to be printed. Since I am using BBEdit, my impulse is to print the document from the BBEdit menu (or by pressing Command+P while BBEdit is active). When I get around to collecting the pages from the printer, I find a beautiful color printout of the Latex source.

I have tried to retrain myself and failed, so it is time for an intervention.

BBEdit menu scripts

To make a menu script, create an AppleScript named after the menu item to which you want to attach it. In my case, I name it File•Print….scpt. Notice the use of the bullet (Option+8) to separate the menu from the menu item, and the ellipsis (Option+;) to match the menu name exactly. The script should live in the “Menu Items” folder in your BBEdit Application Support folder, which you may have to create.

The script should have a menuSelect handler. If the handler returns True, then the script replaces the menu item, that is, the menu item is not run. If the handler returns false, the the menu item is run after finishing the script.

My script checks if I am trying to print a Tex document, and if so, shows an “Are you sure” dialog. If I really do want to print, the script returns False, and the print process continues.

The script is not complicated. It checks to make sure the document is a Tex document, and if so, displays a dialog. It returns True or False based on the user’s input.

on menuSelect()
    set skip_print to false
    tell application "BBEdit" to get source language of document 1
    if result is equal to "TeX" then
            display dialog ¬
                "Are you sure you want to print the TeX source?" ¬
                with title "BBEdit Print" ¬
                buttons {"Don't Print", "Print"} ¬
                default button 2 ¬
                cancel button 1 ¬
                with icon caution
            get button returned of result
            set skip_print to (result is not "Print")
        on error --if they cancel the dialog
            set skip_print to true
        end try
    end if
    return skip_print
end menuSelect

You can use postmenuSelect to specify something to be run after BBEdit completes the menu item.

The moral of the story

For those of us who spend a lot of their computer time writing and manipulating text, having a good text editor and tweaking it to meet our needs can save a lot of time and frustration.

It is also very satisfying. I put in a little bit of time up front to save myself time repeatedly in the future. Then every time I use one of these little solutions, I imagine my past self saying to my current self, “Hey, let me do that for you.” This turns what would have been a tiny frustration into a tiny success.